

Here's a rust app.
Hobby shit.
You know … go nuts.

We focused on encryption and memory safety when the app is locked.
Discover this open source multi-platform password manager, crafted in Rust for top performance.
It stays on your computer, featuring a heavily encrypted database that's easily accessible and boasts a user-friendly interface.

Download 1.0.0-beta4
A screenshot of the home screen showing an entry named Shopify with six fields. Each field has buttons at the end and some fields are secret and show dots instead of their content.

Dynamic fields

Every entry can have multiple fields. Each field can be a single or multi-line field and be set as secret or not. You can set presets.

Dynamic fields

Tailor your entries to fit your needs, ensuring all your data is accessible and secure with Vault's flexible entry system of both secret and non-secret information in single-line or multi-line formats.
A screenshot of the password field being overlaid by text that says start typing to generate password with a progress bar one third done.

Password generator

Creating randomness is hard on a computer. We use OsRng which reads from /dev/urandom or getrandom(2) on Unix-like systems and CNG or CryptoAPI depending on what's available.

Easy editing

Enhance your security with Vault's advanced password generator, utilizing system entropy for truly random and robust passwords.
A screenshot of the app only showing the logo and a single input in the center with a placeholder that says enter password.

Memory-safe auto lock

Vault auto-locks the application after 15min which can be adjusted in the settings. When locked the application uses zeroize to override memory to make sure even with physical access to the memory you still need to decrypt the database.

Memory-safe auto lock

Our password manager ensures top security with an auto-locking vault that safely deletes all memory, protecting your data at all times.
A screenshot of an entry titled Bank Details with the archive section expanded showing fields previously deleted.


You can't delete stuff in Vault. It will either be added to the history stack or moved to an archived status from which you can always get it back.


Vault offers non-destructive edits and deletes, ensuring you can always recover any removed data effortlessly.
A screenshot of the histroy window that shows a list of values for that field with dates and buttons. Each value is hidden with dots and the top two entries are revealed to clear text.

Edit history

Every secret field has a history stack you can always recall. It stores the time you made changes to a field. This way you can make sure you don't re-use passwords and don't accidentally override a password.

Edit history

Track every change with Vault, allowing you to view the entire history of edits for all secret fields.
A screenshot of the settings window showing four tabs titled General, Editing, Database and Shortcuts. The acive tab, Database, shows settings for the auto-lock timeout, changing the location of the database file and import and export functionality.


There are a lot of settings you can adjust.


Customize your experience with Vault, allowing you to adjust auto-lock timing, set presets for dynamic fields, and create shortcuts.
A screenshot of the database file named vault_db.toml. The contents is: [db] encrypted = true salt = '[random letters]' salt_letter_count = 32 cypher = '[cyphertext]'

Encrypted database

Vault uses a TOML file to store the database in. The data inside is always encrypted and you could backup that file anywhere as long as you don't also store your password.

Encrypted database

Access your database effortlessly with Vault's encrypted TOML file, secured using the AES256GcmSiv algorithm for maximum protection.